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discourage英音:[dis'k?:rid?]美音:[d?s'k??d?] [verb]

1. ~sth|~sb from doing sth

to try to prevent sth or to prevent sb from doing sth, especially by making it difficult to do or by showing that you do not approve of it 阻拦;阻止;劝阻 。[vn] a campaign to discourage smoking among teenagers.劝阻青少年吸烟的运动*i leave a light on when i’m out to discourage burglars.我出去的时候开着灯以防夜盗闯入*his parents tried to discourage him from being a actor.他的父母试图阻止他去当演员[also v-ing] 2.[vn]~sb(from doing sth)

to make sb feel less confident or enthusiastic about doing sth 使灰心;使泄气;使丧失信心 dishearten;don’t be discouraged by the first failure-try again!不要因为第一次失败就灰心丧气—再试一次吧!

*the weather discouraged people from attending.这天气使人们不愿意出席。

encourage;discouraged adj.[not usually before noun] disheartened:learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult.如果练习太难,学习者就可能感到很没有信心。discouraging adj.: a discouraging experience/response/result 令人泄气的经历/回答/结果discouragingly adv.

discouragement英音:[dis'k?:rid?m?nt]美音:[d?s'k??d?m?nt] [noun]

1.[u]a feeling that you no longer have the confidence or ent(请继续 关注wWW.)husiasm to do sth 泄气;灰心:an atmosphere of discouragement and despair 灰心绝望的气氛。

2.[u] the action of trying to stop sth 阻止;阻拦;劝阻:the government’s discouragement of political protest. 政府对政治抗议的阻拦。

3.[c] a thing that discourages sb from doing sth使某人泄气的事物;挫折:despite all these discouragements, he refused to give up.尽管遇到这么多挫折,她仍不气馁。

discover英音:[dis'k?v?]美音:[d?s'k?v?] [verb]

1.[vn] to be the first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists(第一个)发现:cook is credited with discovering hawaii. 人们把发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。

*scientist around the world are working to discover a cure for aids.全世界的科学家都在努力地寻找治疗艾滋病的方法。

2.to find sb/sth that was hidden or that you did not expect to find.(出乎意料地)发现,找到,发觉:[vn] police discovered a large stash of drugs while searching the house.

警方在搜索这栋房子的时候发现里面藏有一大批毒品。*we discovered this beach while we were sailing around the island.我们在围绕这个海岛航行时发现了这个海滩。*[vn-ing] he was discovered hiding in a shed.人们发现他原来藏在棚屋里。*[vn-ad] she was discovered dead at her home in leeds.人们发现她死在了利兹她家里。

3.to find out about sth ;to find some information about sth 了解到;认识到;查明:[vn] i’ve just discovered hang-gliding!我刚刚知道有悬挂式滑翔运动 *[v (that)]itwasato shock discover (that) he couldn’t read.得知他不识字真令人震惊 *[v wh-]we never did discover why she gave up her job 我们一直弄不清楚她为什么辞职。 *[vn that] it was later discovered that diaries were a fraud. 后来查明这些日记是伪造的。 *[vn to inf]he was later discovered to be seriously ill.后来才了解到他患了重病。this pattern is usually used in the passive.此句型通常用于被动语态。4.[vn][often passive] to be the first person to realize that sb is very good

at singing, acting ,etc. and help them to become successful and famous.发 ……此处隐藏4562个字……sel:船只

* dam:水坝* adage:格言

* template:模板* hindrance:妨碍

* ample:足够的、充裕的* debris:碎片、瓦砾

chapter 6logistics engineering

* logistics:物流

* mit: 麻省理工学院massachusettes institute of technology

* saturation:饱和* distribution:分销、配送 * warehouse:仓库、仓储* normative:标准的

* package:包装* accrue:增值

* cutback:缩减* appropriation: 占用 * engulf:吞没* e-business:电子商务 * procurement:采购

* electronic data interchange:电子数据交换

* supply chain:供应链* team spirit:团队精神 * circulate:循环、流通

* economic globalization:经济全球化* acqusition:并购

* alliance:联盟* third-party logistics:第三方物流 * competitiveness:竞争力

* communication techniques in logistics

* bar code:条形码

* gis:地理信息系统gerographic information systems

* gprs:通用分组无线业务 general packet radio service

* gps:全球定位系统global postion system

* rfid:无线射频技术radio frequency identification

* pos:销售时点系统point of sale system

* eos:电子订货系electronic ordering system

chapter 7 ergonomics

* ergonomics:工效学* human factor:人因 * instrument:仪器、器械* muscle:肌肉

* fatigue:疲劳* inevitable:不可避免的 * align:适应* cognitive:认知的 * physiology:生理学* psychology:心理学

* multi-disciplinary:多学科性质的* anthropometry:人体测量学 * cockpit:飞机座舱、驾驶员座舱* feat:技艺、合适的 * nutrition:营养* thermal:热量的 * vibration:振动* high-tech:高科技

* anatomical:解剖的* biomechanical:生物力学的 * musculoskeletal disorder:肌骨失调* inclusive design:全方位设计 * acoustics:声学* navigation:导航

* frustration:挫败* practitioner:开业者 * sensory:感觉的

* long and short-term memory:长短时记忆* interface:界面、接口 * human-centered design:以人为中心设计

* substandard:低于标准的* repetitive strain injury:重复性劳损 * work related upper limb disorder:工作引起的上肢功能障碍* percentile:百分位

chapter 8 quality management

* reliability:可靠性* maintainability:可维护性

* fitness for use:适用性* customer satisfaction:顾客满意 * specification:规范* tolerance:容许偏差

* monetary:货币的、金融的* quality of design:设计质量 * quality of conformance:符合性质量* overengineer:高于工程要求的 * underengineer:低于工程要求的* gauge:计量器

* technical committee:技术委员会

* international accreditation forum:国际认证论坛* certification:认证 * registrar:注册人员* audit:审计

* trivial:琐碎的* template:模型

* workshop:车间、研讨会* seminar:研讨班

* demonstrate:示范、说明* preliminary:预备的、初级的 * reproach:责备、谴责* forcible:强制的、有说服力的 * statistic:统计的* six sigma methodology:6δ法 * standard deviation:标准偏差* division:部门、分配、分开 * opportunity:缺陷机会* transaction:业务、交易 * metrics:度量标准、规律* instructor:讲师、教练 * incentive:鼓励* affiliate:隶属于

* literacy:读写能力* checksheet:检查表 * pareto chart:排列图* plot:以图的形式表示 * histogram:直方图* dispersion:分散性 * scatter diagram:散布图* observe value:观察值 * cause and effect diagram:因果图* fish bone diagram:鱼骨图 * specs:规范、规格* morale:士气、纪律




butterfly—butterfliesdifficulty—difficultieslady—ladiesstory—storiesfamily— familiesparty—parties


